
2021-11-01 09:00:00    becryo    870    原创
摘要:近日,公司顺利完成国内新建120万方/天焦炉煤气深冷液化制LNG装置HAZOP分析,主要包括深度脱水单元、混合冷剂压缩机单元、氮循环制冷单元、BOG压缩回收单元、低温液化精馏单元、冷剂储配单元的HAZOP分析,从工艺包设计上提高成套装置的本质安全化水平。 Recently, the company successfully completed the HAZOP analysis of the new 1.2 million cubic meters/day coke oven gas cryogenic liquefaction LNG plant in China, which mainly includes the HAZOP analysis of the deep dehydration unit, the mixed refrigerant compressor unit, the nitrogen cycle refrigeration unit, the BOG compression recovery unit, the low temperature liquefaction rectification unit, and the refrigerant storage unit. Improve the essential safety level of complete sets of equipment from the design of process package.


Recently, the company successfully completed the HAZOP analysis of the new 1.2 million cubic meters/day coke oven gas cryogenic liquefaction LNG plant in China, which mainly includes the HAZOP analysis of the deep dehydration unit, the mixed refrigerant compressor unit, the nitrogen cycle refrigeration unit, the BOG compression recovery unit, the low temperature liquefaction rectification unit, and the refrigerant storage unit. Improve the essential safety level of complete sets of equipment from the design of process package.
